Grading Breakdown

Due Dates and Late Policy
All work is to be completed and turned in on time as noted above. Exceptions and extensions will be made on a case-by-case basis and the onus is on the student to plan in advance. Unexcused late work will be graded up to 72 hours past the due date, but will lose 1/3 of a grade per 24-hour late period (i.e. an A becomes an A- 24 hours late, a B+ 24 hours after that, and a B 24 hours after that). Any work that is submitted after the 72-hour mark without excuse will receive an F.
Feedback and Grades
I will make every effort to provide feedback, rubrics, and grades within a week of submission. To keep track of your performance in the course, refer to Grades in HuskyCT.
All work is to be completed and turned in on time as noted above. Exceptions and extensions will be made on a case-by-case basis and the onus is on the student to plan in advance. Unexcused late work will be graded up to 72 hours past the due date, but will lose 1/3 of a grade per 24-hour late period (i.e. an A becomes an A- 24 hours late, a B+ 24 hours after that, and a B 24 hours after that). Any work that is submitted after the 72-hour mark without excuse will receive an F.
Feedback and Grades
I will make every effort to provide feedback, rubrics, and grades within a week of submission. To keep track of your performance in the course, refer to Grades in HuskyCT.
Assignment Rubrics
Rubrics will be uploaded onto HuskyCT as assignments are given throughout the semester. Rubrics will outline how work will be assessed and different levels of attainment and outcomes.
Resubmission of Work
Because making, installing, designing, and creating at University and beyond is an iterative process you will be able to resubmit your assignments and other projects if you choose to do so once they have been graded. One resubmission per project will be allowed, and the new grade will be considered final.
Rubrics will be uploaded onto HuskyCT as assignments are given throughout the semester. Rubrics will outline how work will be assessed and different levels of attainment and outcomes.
Resubmission of Work
Because making, installing, designing, and creating at University and beyond is an iterative process you will be able to resubmit your assignments and other projects if you choose to do so once they have been graded. One resubmission per project will be allowed, and the new grade will be considered final.
Incomplete work is work not completed due to documented illness or some other emergency occurring after the 12th week of the semester. Arrangements for the IN and its removal should be initiated by the student and agreed to by the instructor before the final exam date.
Weekly Time Commitment
You should expect to dedicate about 12 hours total a week to this course. This expectation is based on the various course activities, assignments, and assessments and the University of Connecticut’s policy regarding credit hours. (More information related to hours per week per credit can be accessed at the Online Student website).
Incomplete work is work not completed due to documented illness or some other emergency occurring after the 12th week of the semester. Arrangements for the IN and its removal should be initiated by the student and agreed to by the instructor before the final exam date.
Weekly Time Commitment
You should expect to dedicate about 12 hours total a week to this course. This expectation is based on the various course activities, assignments, and assessments and the University of Connecticut’s policy regarding credit hours. (More information related to hours per week per credit can be accessed at the Online Student website).