Thomas Martinez Pilnik

Course Schedule

Week 1

An Introduction is in order: KTSE

Week 2

The Old, Crusty, & Relevant: Pre-1900 Theory

Week 3

Old Guard, meet The New Garde: The Avant-Garde

Week 4

Can We Build It? Yes We Can! Constructivism

Week 5

My House? Your House? Whose House? Bauhaus

Week 6

Around the ︎: International Style

Week 7

Movers & Shakers: Social Movements

Week 8

Rioters and Changemakers: Social Movements

Week 9

Post-Racial? Post-ironic? Postmodern

Week 10

A Way to Make a Livin: Corporate Culture

Week 11

“Those Boys can Vogue”: Mapping Pop Culture

Week 12

Peer Pressure: Designer as Enabler

Week 13

Welcome to the World: Theory to Practice

Week 14

Existential Crisis: Praxis makes Perfect

Week 15

Crisis Averted: Praxis Makes Perfect
