Thomas Martinez Pilnik

Grading Breakdown

Grading Scale

Course final grades will be determined using the following scale

A 95-100 | A- 90-94 | B+ 87-89 | B 83-86 | B- 80-82 | C+ 77-79 | C 73-76 | C- 70-72 |D+ 67-69 | D 63-66 | D- 60-62 | F 59 and below

Assignment Submission Policy

All Assignments shall be submitted via Blackboard on or before the due date delineated in the Course Schedule by this Syllabus. Assignments may also be accepted via email on occasions where Blackboard is experiencing maintenance or other technical difficulties. Papers should be written in APA format, and submitted as a .Doc or PDF. Design based formats may be submitted by preference and allowable blackboard formats.

Grading Timeline

All Assignment grades will be posted onto Blackboard within 2 weeks of the submission due date. Along with the grades, rubrics with feedback will be uploaded to Blackboard at the same time.

Late Work

All work is to be completed and turned in on time. Exceptions and extensions will be made on a case-by-case basis and the onus is on the student to plan in advance. Unexcused late work will be graded up to 72 hours past the due date, but will lose 1/3 of a grade per 24 hour late period (i.e. an A becomes an A- 24 hours late, a B+ 24 hours after that, and a B 24 hours after that). Any work that is submitted after the 72-hour mark will receive an F.

Grading for most written assignments will reflect 3 components:

  1. Content
  2. Writing & APA style
  3. Thoughtfulness and effort

A high score in Content reflects a clear organizational approach that:

Addresses all questions and sections outlined in the assignment or prompt

Reflects a strong understanding and synthesis of relevant published theory

Uses theoretical foundations to support assertions

If reviewing a paper, clearly states the author, title/purpose of paper, methods and summary of findings

A high score in Writing reflects:

Appropriate use of APA style

Few typographical errors, misspellings or grammatical errors

Little or no redundancy

Clear transitions from one section to another

Clear focus on the study and not extraneous topics

A scholarly tone, with no use of slang

Primary citations from reputable or peer reviewed publications and sources

Summaries of concepts in lieu of direct quotes (use of direct quotes should be limited)

Assignment Rubrics

Rubrics will be uploaded onto Blackboard’s Resource Section as Assignments are given throughout the semester

Resubmission of Work

Because writing, designing, and creating at University and beyond is an iterative process you will be able to resubmit your mid-term assignments and other projects if you choose to do so once they have been graded. You will not, however, be permitted to re-submit your final project for re-grading though I will be happy to review drafts of your final paper before the due date. One resubmission per project will be allowed, and the new grade will be considered final.


Incomplete work is work not completed due to documented illness or some other emergency occurring after the 12th week of the semester. Arrangements for the IN and its removal should be initiated by the student and agreed to by the instructor prior to the final exam.

Academic Integrity

Students must maintain strict adherence to standards of academic integrity as described in SCampus (