Thomas Martinez Pilnik

Description and Assessment of Assignments

More info to come as the semester progresses

Class Participation – 15% - Always

Keep The Same Energy (KTSE)

 Come prepared, engaged, appropriately caffeinated, and ready to critically participate with your classmates and with me. Every session, bring me your best.
Weekly Engagements – 20% 

Work Smarter

Simple Exercises (max 1 hour, timed), Reading summaries, or Challenges (problem-solving & discovering principles). All in order to synthesize and contextualize various theories. Assignments will be discussed in class and posted to blackboard.
Midterm Project – 25% - 10/21

The Design of a Social Movement

Pick a social cause dear to you and recently occurring (this is easy: Women’s March, Black Lives Matter, March for Our Lives, Global Climate Strikes, The Umbrella Movement all immediately come to mind).

Dissect the movement via its design elements and apply your theoretical knowledge  to lead us through the story of the social movement and how design was (and is) necessary for its success

Create a poster, paper, website, anything that tells us that story, and tells us how you will contribute to its future success
Final Paper – 25% - 12/5

Praxis makes Perfect

This is your statement: A theoretical paper that explains what you are taking from this course and how it will influence your future in design

5 Pages, double spaced, APA format

Incorporates at least three complex theoretical analyses and fuses them together in a critical and cross-disciplinary manner

Includes at least one novel theoretical idea or self-created theory of design
Final Presentations – 15% - 12/18

Praxis makes Perfect II

Synthesize your paper, and deliver the story of your newfound philosophy

5 minute presentation (mixed media highly encouraged, this is a design class after all)